Now that you’re gone

They say love lasts forever, alas I beg to differ.
Tell me you can look in the mirror--
And sternly admit to a life without flip-flopping
Between a quitter and a winner.

You spend your time calving out an image,
of the perfect life, the perfect wife--
Oblivious to her wishes, her dynamic ambitions,
Offering your warm heart but to change minds in an instant.

I lost myself with and without you,
For years we were an inseparable two.
Ready to take on the world full-force--
While endorsing eyes had kept us on course.

Two minds were torn apart by expectations,
Guilt ensued from causing your frustration.
Not ready to let go of comforting arms,
That arbitrary line alarmed and harmed my calm.

Although my time as yours had filled my heart,
You will always remain, my doors wide open from the start.
Whenever you have clarity, whomever you see at dawn,
Don't let it be an eternity, now that you're gone.


  1. Kevin leslie Jenkin says:

    Crystal, you mentioned you wrote this some years ago. A good read yes, although not to your inspiring talent. I would look forward to read a re write. Please find time to write.


  2. Elcha White says:

    I remember when you wrote this and thinking how mature you were for a young person. You are so talented, what are your thoughts now? I am suggesting perhaps not a rewrite because that you were at the time, but an update to hear about who you are now. Love you and so proud of you, Oma xxx


    1. Crystal Lea says:

      Thank you Oma. I wrote this one only two years ago actually, so it’s fairly recent. I haven’t written any poetry since then, though I’m definitely planning to. I’m also going to upload some poems I wrote in high school. It’s crazy how much I’ve developed as a person since then. Xxx


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